Condolence, Events

Condolence Reference of Actor Iqbal Motlani

Condolence Reference of Actor Iqbal Motlani at Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi

A condolence reference was held at the Arts Council for the late Iqbal Motlani, the author of the book “Rumoz-i Aktari” on senior theater, TV, actor, playwright, director, actor.

Caretaker Provincial Minister of Information, President Arts Council Mr. Ahmad Shah (HI, SI) paid tribute to the services of the deceased and his dedication and years of work in the art of acting. The condolence meeting was attended by members of the governing body, prominent senior artistes, directors, theater dramatists, brothers, sons, admirers and members of the Arts Council in large numbers. All the speakers shared their memories of the days spent with late Iqbal Motlani. The gathering was started with collective prayers for forgiveness for Iqbal Motlani.

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