Events, Festival, Festivals, Pakistan Literature Festival

Session on “Civilizational Challenge of the 21st Century, Pakistan and Iqbal’s Thought”.

On behalf of the Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi, a session was held on the topic of “Civilizational Challenge of the 21st Century, Pakistan and the Thought of Iqbal” in the three-day Pakistan Literature Festival 2023, which was presided over by Fateh Muhammad Malik, while Justice (Retd) Nasira Iqbal, Tahsin Firaqi, Syed Nomanul Haque, Basira Ambreen talked about the topic, Tahir Hameed Tanoli performed the duties of the system in the meeting, Fateh Muhammad Malik said in the presidential sermon that today’s system needs to be studied because Iqbal solved the problems.

The solution was given to us 80 years ago, the picture that Iqbal created and the colors he filled in it is missing today.

Justice (Rtd) Nasira Iqbal said that Iqbal gives us the message of love and Pakistan needs it because love is the word of God and love is the messenger of God. He said that we will play our role to promote our language, for which we all have to think seriously. Tahseen Firaqi said that the color of Iqbal’s poetry is the most unique and unique, Iqbal is a prominent poet of Urdu and Persian. He is a poet not only of the subcontinent but of the entire world, his poetry teaches love, sincerity, tolerance and innovation.

Professor Dr. Basira Ambreen expressed his opinion and said that Iqbal, the poet of the Nation of Islam, knew that he was the poet of the future, so he made sociology and commerce the subject of poetry. Having the first academic session in this festival shows our academic priorities, Nomanul Haq expressed his opinion and said that today’s generation is far from its heritage. If we want to learn something, we must first connect with nature and heritage. , Iqbal’s poetry is so absorbed that wherever he talks about the future, he also connects with nature.

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