A poet is connected to his land and soil, poet Iftikhar Arif said.
The first session of the third day of the 15th World Urdu Conference organized by the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi was chaired by Iftikhar Arif and Amjad Islam Amjad while “Feminist Perspective of Urdu Poetry” presented by Sofia Lodhi, “Urdu Poetry in the Western World” presented by Ashfaq Hussain, “Thematic and Stylistic Review of Urdu Ghazal” presented by Ziaul Hasan, “Emotional Style of Urdu Ghazal” presented by Khalid Mahmood Sanjrani, “Imagination of Women in Urdu Poetry” by presented by Tanveer Anjum and “Urdu Rubai” presented by Ambreen Haseeb Ambar.

Shakeel Jazeb performed the duties of moderator. Iftikhar Arif said in his presidential address that the area of Urdu has become very wide now, it is not possible that you live in a province or region and the influence of the language there is not on you. A poet is connected to his land and soil. He said that in my time, there were many writers and great elders. It is not known how many writers and listeners there will be in the coming era and what kind of literature will be written. He said that it is often heard that ghazal is disappearing, but then a new poet
comes and steals the show, young poets are still writing good ghazals, but those who are writing substandard poetry, along with them Appreciators are not doing any good either. Amjad Islam Amjad said that if the topic was about the twentieth century instead of the twenty-first century, it would have been better because the poetry of the twentieth century has shown its potential. Even the good poets of the 21st century started in the 20th century. We can only see what is being imitated in the 21st century. He said that the people who are writing poetry today are very good and the listeners are also very good, but the listeners they will meet in the coming years will not be the same as today, this is a thought-provoking matter. Earlier, Sophia Lodhi said in her address that women have been affected by extremism, but because women have the strength to deal with all kinds of situations and this strength has made her strong. she said that women poets have also made women’s problems their subject, the day women get the status of human beings, that day will be helpful in solving women’s problems. Ashfaq Hussain said that western poetry is an extension of the poetry here and it is also a process of expanding it, whether it is America or Canada, the poets who are writing there are connected with the Ghazal tradition. Zia-ul-Hasan said that the language of ghazal in the past period is rich, the poets who emerged in this period have made better use of the broad language of ghazal, these poets rejected the non-creative elements in different periods. He said that the correct use of language in Ghazal is important, but the real thing is the creative expression of language. New poets are realizing this creative principle of language which is a welcome thing. He said that the language of Ghazal has always been close to the colloquial language of Urdu. Khalid Mahmood Sanjrani said that we are facing globalization at the moment, the feeling of the 21st century is that somewhere inside we are hearing a voice that the trend of the 21st century man is becoming more towards localism, for so long we have had globalization. but now we are returning to our soil and locality. Tanveer Anjum said that most poets still do not have the presence of women, but the absence is as important in the writing as the presence, many prose poets. Presenting poems, this number is higher in Punjab. Anbarin Haseeb Anbar said that like the trend of modern ghazal, English words are used in Rabai, we also find feminine consciousness in rubai. Josh Malihabadi has enriched us in rubai and this genre contains many excellent articles. He said that today’s rubai includes all the topics of life, but riba’i is still disappearing and the reason is that it is a very difficult art.

Session “Bachon ka Adab (Children’s literature) in 21st century
Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi held the first session of the third day of 15th Aalmi Urdu Conference “Bachon ka Adab (Children’s Literature) in the 21st Century” under the chairmanship of well-known journalist and writer Mehmood Sham. Naeemuddin Kanwal, Salim Mughal, Abdul Rahman Momin, Seema Siddiqui and Sana Ghori expressed their views and read papers from this session on children’s literature. Ali Hassan Sajid presided over the session, while addressing the session, Naeem uddin Kanwal spoke about children’s poetry and read out his poems written on children. Seema Siddiqui while addressing said that great writers have written fiction for children. Whatever is written for children should be written at the mental level of children so that children’s interest in the story remains. Easy words should be written for children instead of difficult words. In his speech, Sana ghori said that in the 21st century, children should be attracted by technology and YouTube, now the child does not want to listen to the old “Chanda Mamoon” and “ghost stories”. Today’s child who talks about science needs science stories. Robots are now shown in cartoons. We have to change our topics today. Speaking at the session, Salim Mughal said that it is very important to tell stories and teach stories to children because stories are very important. If stories were not important, Montessori schools around the world would not be a subject. Abdul Rahman Momin while addressing said that even in the 21st century children’s literature is as important as it was in the 20th century. The difference is that today’s child sees literature with technology. During the presidential address, Mehmood Sham said that all the great writers of the world have created literature for children. Children’s literature means that we think for the future. The child of today has to grow up to be the man of tomorrow. Answering various questions, the speakers said that this year, PhD has been
done on two magazines which are encouraging for children’s literature. For the first time, a three-day conference on children’s literature was held at the official level in Islamabad. The Prime Minister has announced that awards for children’s literature will be given at the official level every year.
Session “Urdu ki Nai Bastiyan”
On the third day of the Fifteenth Aalmi Urdu Conference under the Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi, a session titled “Urdu Ki Nai Bastian” was held. While presiding over the session Ashfaq Hussain, a well-known poet from Canada, said that like Pakistan, Europe and North America Due to the presence of talented Urdu poets and prose writers, the new Bastian of Urdu will continue to settle and Urdu will continue to flourish. The speakers got a chance to interact and help in promoting literature. During this session, Saeed Naqvi from America, Akram Qaim Khani and Dr. Qaiser Zaidi from Great Britain, Ishrat Moin Seema from Germany and Tehmina Rao from Australia participated in the discussion. While Ghazanfar Hashmi performed the duties of moderator, Dr. Saeed Naqvi said that many creators started their literary journey abroad, it is easy to shine locally, but to convince oneself, connection with the old towns of Urdu is necessary. , virtual session have been extremely successful during Covid, Akram Qaim
Khani said that those who love Urdu are also present outside Pakistan and are very active. The wonderful programs have been going on for the past eleven years, online mushairas are being organized, Tehmina Rao while participating in the conversation said that a lot of work is being done on Urdu literature in all the states of Australia, the future of Urdu is bright there. , mushairas and literary meetings organized by various organizations are being organized regularly, Urdu is also taught in schools, Patron Yorkshire Literary Forum Dr. Qaiser Zaidi said that Urdu literature has a long history in Britain, progressive. The movement also started in Britain, the new settlements of Urdu abroad are very fertile, there is a lot of work being done there on poetry, research and criticism, most of the people have presented the pain of
migration in a charming way, Dr. Ishrat Moin Seema. she said that the German land has proved to be very fertile with regard to Urdu, the situation of Urdu there is divided into different parts And now there is talk of teaching Urdu as a literature in the universities, from Berlin to Bonn, work is being done on the promotion and development of Urdu.
Uxi Mufti book “Muhammad (PBUH) in modern times” was launched
In the third day and fourth session of the Fifteenth Aalmi Urdu Conference organized by the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, the launch ceremony of the book “Muhammad (PBUH) in modern times” by Uxi Mufti was held. Mubeen Mirza expressed his views on book and the duties moderators were perform by Saleem Mughal. Iftikhar Arif, expressing his opinion on the book, said that the author of the book has penned the first part of this book in the name of Allah and this book is the second part regarding Muhammad (PBUH). He said that many books have been written on the biography of scholars will have their own opinion on this book as well, for us, Muhammad (PBUH) is and will be a beacon of light in all times. He said that there are many requirements of biography, we should never avoid questions because those who want to hide something or want to hide the answer should avoid questions. Uxi Mufti has tried to answer every question, especially the questions that have been raised in the West. Mubeen Mirza said that Uxi Mufti has named the above book very attractive. The human nature of Muhammad. In the human life and human affairs, especially in this society which was a Bado society, in such a society, the personality of Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to talk about connecting humanity. This book by Uxi Mufti is also written in the same background. He said that there is an interest in Islam in the West and it is increasing, they want to understand the personality of Muhammad (PBUH), so Uxi Mufti wrote this book to inform the people of the West about Islam. I will tell. Sahib-e-Kitab Uxi Mufti said that I am especially grateful to Ahmed Shah and Iftikhar Arif for launching my book written in English at the Aalmi Urdu Conference. He said that this book of mine was not written for Muslims and believers, but I have written this book for the unbelievers so that they can have full knowledge of the Qur’an and Muhammad (PBUH). He further said that this book of mine is also written for the students of my country who study from the internet.
(Updated by: Shahid Mehmood Shahid)