15th Aalmi Urdu Conference 2022, Events, Karachi

2nd day of 15th Aalmi Urdu Conference

Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi organizes session “Yaad Raftgan” in memory of departed writers.

“Yaad-e-raftagan” session was organized in the 15th Aalmi Urdu Conference in which a large number of people associated with literature, poetry, fiction and journalism participated. , Farhad Zaidi, Gopi Chand Narang, Imdad Hussaini, Farooq Qaiser (Sargam) were recalled.

Talking about the literature of writer Imdad Hussaini, Sahar Imdad said that Imdad Hussaini was considered one of the great and important writers of his time. He entered the world of poetry from the age of twelve and gained fame with his book Dhup Kiran. He was awarded with the award in the year 2014. His book “Dhup Kiran” is the cause of his fame. Talking about journalist and writer Farhad Zaidi, his son Hassan Zaidi said that Farhad Zaidi had his place as a journalist although initially. Even though his monthly salary was less than that of a tea serving employee in the office, he made journalism his main job Hassan Zaidi said that I do not have the words to describe the elements of his personality, he was a principled and impressive person, especially his friends In the list, Nasir Abbasi expressed his opinion on the memory of writer Shamim Hanafi and said that it is difficult for me to stand on the stage of the Arts Council regarding Shamim, this is the place where Shamim Sahib has spent a lifetime, you used to write in radio, he said, it is a sad thing for me that today you are not present in us, but the dramas written by him are still alive today because of their innovation and uniqueness. His writing has a philosophical and modern concept, while talking about the late Farooq Qaisar, who reached the heights of fame with Uncle Sargam, actor-director Arshad Mehmood said Akar-bakar, the masterpiece of Farooq Qaisar, like Uncle Sargam, is a masterpiece thought. He was the best father, husband and friend that could ever be created. Hameed Shahid used to say that these were personalities about whom it is difficult to find words, he had a complete personality.

Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi held session three poets in the 15th International Urdu Conference in Karachi.

In the fifth session of the second day of the 15th Aalmi Urdu Conference, session “Three Poets” was held in which Pirzada Salman, a well-known journalist and editor of a local newspaper, presented the prose verses and selected poems of the three great poets of Urdu literature, Akhtar-ul- Emaan, Mustafa Zaidi and Asrarul Haq Majaz. He captivated the audience by presenting the speech. Before reading the prose
and poetry of these selected poets, he said that while explaining the reason for choosing the words of these poets, he said that these poets are rarely read and heard. Pirzada Salman beautifully recited the poems of Akhtar-ul-Emaan, Kal Ki Baat and Latifah, while reading a selected prose passage from Mustafa Zaidi’s book and his poems Akhri Bar Milo, Superdgi Ka Yeh Aalam, Buzdil, Restaurant and Shahnaz. Apart from this, Ismat Chaghatai’s essay on Asrar-ul-Haq Majaz and his poem Introduction and Sharare were also presented. The audience listened to Pirzada Salman’s reading with great enthusiasm and expressed their appreciation.

Session “Pashto Language and Literature in 21st Century” was held on the Fifteenth Aalmi Urdu Conference held at Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi.

On the second day of the 15th World Urdu Conference held at the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, the sixth session “Pashto Language and Literature in the 21st Century” was held at June Elia Lawn. Abbasin Yousafzai, Maham Khattak, Qaiser Afridi and Irfanullah participated in the conference. Fazia Khan performed the duties of moderator. Maham Khattak while speaking to the session said that we will cover the 21st century and literature which has an impact on our life remains the same on literature because literature is life and life is literature. Many of our terms have come up, including other languages, what artists have been through in the last twenty years is in front of us. Novels were also written on artists in Pashto, Qaiser Afridi said that the number of our poets and writers in the 21st century is not the same, it shows the power of literature. Pashto literature is a part of modern literature, it has many problems that we are still facing. This is a view that continues to spread and we see it in literary history. Speaking to the session, Irfanullah said that today’s writer faces the problems of the society, the study of literature is based on human consciousness, we have the advantage that we are very rich in terms of language, let’s do a good job with regard to literature. Abasin Yousafzai said that the poet who does not have the theme of nation and citizenship, I think he does not belong to the nation because the poet walks with his nation and his language. .

Four books were launched on the second day of the fifteenth World Urdu Conference organized by the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi

On the second day of the fifteenth World Urdu Conference organized by the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, four books were launched. Sarwat Hussain’s book “Fatih Ka Geet”, Sabir Zafar’s book “Ek Lahar Ki Chagal”, Tahir Kazmi’s book “Zindgi Se Durte Ho” and Asghar Andim Syed’s book “Phurta Hai Falak Barar” were organized. The duties were performed by Salman Sarwat. Afzal Ahmad Syed, Ziaul Hasan, Mahnaz Rehman and Haris Khaliq presented their papers on these books. Afzal Ahmad Syed said in his paper that Sarwat has reflected the nature in his poetry, the intellectual breadth and the reflection of the situation in his poems. After the tragedy of East Pakistan, the people were very sad and the country’s conditions were very bad. Zia-ul-Hassan said that in the seventies poets metaphorically raised their voices against oppression, among them Sabir Zafar is a big name. He has written 47 collections of poetry and even
today his poetry is raising a voice against oppression. Feminist writer Dr. Tahira Kazmi while discussing her book said that feminism in our country is considered a group of westernized women. It is a strange idea that men are protectors of women. A man protects his woman from another man why don’t all these men fix themselves instead of protecting women. He said that great injustices are happening to women in our villages but women are not allowed to speak, talking about such women is called feminism and I am proud to be called a feminist. Mehnaz Rehman said that sex education should be included in the curriculum and Tahira Kazmi should be given lectures in universities. Haris Khaliq while speaking
on Asghar Nadeem Syed’s book said that where political history is distorted, erasing memories is a state hobby, where there is a huge gap to compile social history, it is an authentic work to write an outline. Asghar Nadeem Syed has written Hindu sketches, they are amazing.

(Updated by: Shahid Mehmood Shahid)

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