5th Sindh Literature Festival (SLF) will be held on March 18 at the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi Sindh Literature Festival (SLF) has now come home, I am very happy to be a partner of the festival, President Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi Muhammad Ahmad Shah Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi and Sindh Literary Foundation jointly organized a press conference on the 5th Sindh Literature Festival at Hasina Moin Hall Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi in which Arts Council President Muhammad Ahmad Shah, Writer Noorul Huda Shah, Dr. Ayub Sheikh, Naseer Gopang and Zohaib Kaka gave briefings.

On the occasion, President Arts Council Muhammad Ahmad Shah said that the 5th Sindh Literature Festival (SLF) will start on March 18 at 4:30 pm. Discussions will be held while the festival will have sessions in Sindhi as well as the Urdu language. The opening ceremony is being organized at Arts Council Karachi. It is a three-day festival. He said that earlier this festival was held elsewhere. Now that it has come to our home, we are very happy that we are the partners of this festival; I congratulate the management and hope that this series will continue while talking to the media, well-known writer Noorul Huda Shah said it was started in difficult and unfavorable conditions. These challenges are not over. It is going to be good work. It has to face criticism. It is a difficult task to organize this festival. Yes, it is a good thing for the festival that Arts Council Karachi gave the platform, Ahmad Shah has full support, the whole team of Arts Council contributes to this festival if the work is good if the intention is good, the destination is found, hope Yes this support will continue, this festival is decorated for the people of Sindh, every language spoken in Sindh is a part of this festival, culture, literature, criticism “Everyone is a part of this festival. This is the only way for evolution to run this country,” Naseer Gopang, organizer of SLF said that SLF is working to bring people together, this is not Sindhi Literary Festival, This is Sindh Literature Festival, this year’s theme is Moin Jo Daroo, Moin Jo Daroo is 100 years old. Dr. Ayub Sheikh said that there were many difficulties in organizing this festival but the Arts Council has opened its doors, Arts Council has become so big that now we are all doing programs here, this is good news, Sindh Literature Festival is a five-year-old child, now all our institutions and programs cannot be complete without young people, especially women. Hope everybody enjoys this three-day festival.