Events, Medical

Covid-19: Over 15,000 vaccinated at Arts Council

Covid 19 Vaccination at Arts Council

More than 15,000 people have been vaccinated during the last two months at the Arts Council’s vaccination center jointly established by the Sindh health department. President Arts Council Muhammad Ahmad Shah said that a large number of ACP members including prominent personalities like Zia Mohyuddin, AnwerMaqsood, ImdadHussaini, Javed Sheikh, Humayun Saeed and others got the dose of Covid vaccination at the council’s vaccination center. “The ongoing vaccination process has been started from March 17at the Arts Council.Arts Council is organizing digital activities for the member whereas all the physical activities has been postponed as per the government instructions,” Ahmed Shah stated.

He further said that after the aged 40 plus the Sindh government has now opened the vaccine registrations for the people aged 30 plus. Shah said that like the government of Sindh, we also want to vaccinate as many people as possible. In this regard, Arts Council Karachi assures all possible cooperation because as long as a large number of people are not vaccinated it is difficult to come out of the Corona epidemic. “Due to the ban imposed by the government the Arts Council is engaged in digital activities but our main objective is to vaccinate people. Earlier people were nervous but now the situation has returned to normal. And after what people have seen in India, the trend towards vaccination has increased” Shah added. It should be noted that the Arts Council of Pakistanis an institute that promotes cultural activities but stands by the government in dealing with floods, earthquakes, and other epidemics. (Thanks Pak Observer)

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