Events, Mushaira

34th Urdu Haiku Mushaira “Hamara Dostana”

Pakistan Japan Cultural Association (PCJA) hosted 34th Urdu Haiku Mushaira on Saturday 5th October 2019 at Manzar Akbar Hall, Arts Council Karachi to mark enthronement of Emperor Naruhito and advent of new era
“Reiwa” in Japan. The event with the theme “Hamara Dostana” was arranged in collaboration with Arts Council of Pakistan and was also supported by the Consulate General of Japan, Karachi. The names of participating poets on the list were: Dr. Moinuddin Haider, Ahmed Navaid, Sohail Ahmed Siddiqui, Wazahat Abbasi , Dr Nuzhat Abbasi, Saher Ali, Zaheer Zarf, Amna Alam, Rashid Noor, Jawed Hashmi, Zaibun nisa Zaiby, Shehzad Niaz, Rubina Tehseen, Aftab Muztar, Shahabuddin Shahab, Parveen Nazir Soomro, Syed Mashood Hasan Rizvi, Sarwat Sultana Sarwat, Jamal Naqvi, Sarwer Javed, Manzar Ayubi, among others. Earlier, Sadia Rashid, Moinunddin Haider and Deputy Consul General of Japan in Karachi Katsunori Ashida (who also recited his haikus) addressed the audience.

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