A press conference was held today at the Arts Council to share highlights of the 60th Children’s Literature Festival, a two-day programme to be held on August 7th-8th, 2019.

The co-hosts, founders, directors, and organizers of CLF were present to welcome the guests warmly and brief them about the objectives and program behind the largest children’s learning festival. CLF’s sponsors including Oxford University Press (OUP) and the British Council were also present at the event along with President Arts Council Karachi, delegates of the festival and CLF ambassadors including Khaled Anam and Ali Hamza who profusely appreciated the effort. Well-known personalities present included Iftikhar Shallwani (Commissioner Karachi), Baela Raza Jamil (Founder and Director CLF), Ameena Saiyid (Co-Founder and Director CLF), Rumana Husain (Director CLF), Mahtab Akbar Rashidi (Director CLF), Haseena Moin, Dr. Fouzia Khan, and Arshad Saeed Hussain (MD OUP).
Eminent speakers at the press conference were Baela Raza Jamil, Rumana Husain, Ameena Saiyid, DC Iftikhar Shalwani and Ahmed Shah – President Arts Council. Representatives answered questions put forward by members of the media present, followed by refreshments.
What is CLF? Key Features of CLF -Karachi 2019
Launched in November 2011, CLF is the largest learning festival for children and teachers in Pakistan to enable children to learn with all their multiple-senses and intelligences. Managed by Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA), it has a nationwide footprint having completed 59 CLFs (in all four provincial capitals and Islamabad and over 25 districts of the country, reaching over 1.4 million children and teachers since its inception in November 2011. It is a non-ticketed festival open to ALL School systems, children (3-18 years), teachers and families. There are many inclusive schools/institutions attending the CLF Karachi.
CLF has 16 learning strands running concurrently at the 2 day CLF in Karachi as per practice. There will be altogether 68 sessions, 160 resource persons and 2 star-studded concerts. The Learning Strands will include:
The Art of Book Making, Story Telling with Expression, Digital Stories and Literacy, STEM, Robotics, Theatre, Arts and Crafts, Folk & Sufi Music, Dance, Heritage, Preservation, Environment, Book Launches, Book Fair, Plenary Discussions and Music Concerts on both days”.

There will be many young child authors launching their books and music, and a child prodigy Tawassul Shah (5 year old) and siblings Rahat and Ntikhab Burgi will also be there reciting Bhit Shah’s verses and young qawwals from the group Moiz Ghayyur Mustafa – a 27 generational legacy.
A special CLF Award has been designed for Outstanding Services by Resource Persons and Institutions who have been actively supporting the Festival since 2011; this will be given in recognition for their passion and support at the CLF Karachi 2019.
15 Goodwill ambassadors, actors, anchorpersons and musicians have just joined this social movement to popularize the campaign for learning, reading, creativity and tolerance for the children of Pakistan.
The famous poet Zehra Nigah has written the CLF Tarana /anthem “Hamain Kitab Chaheyeh, Jo Zindagi Badal Dey Woh Nisaab Chaheyeh” composed by Rakae Jamil (attached) full of messages of reading for creativity, learning for peace and tolerance – making Pakistan proud.
All rooms/halls at the CLF Karachi as per practice will be renamed at the Arts Council Pakistan Karachi reminding participants about famous Hero-Citizens and Incredible Geographies
- Bhit Shah Auditorium,
- Fahmida Riaz ki Baithak
- Hamida Khuhro ki Baithak
- Bab-e-Hingol
- Jamshed Nusserwanjee Mehta Courtyard
- Sadequain ki Gali
- Sohail Rana Auditorium
- Anita Ghulam Ali Auditorium
- Hakim Said ka Gehwara
- Professor Abdus Salam Labs
- Burns Road Dhabas
The Inaugural Session of the CLF will be held on August 7, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. where the Chief Guest will be the Provincial Minister Education & Literacy/Culture/Tourism and Anitiquities Syed Sardar Shah; other special guests will include Ms. Tanzeela Qambrani Sheedi, MPA and Chairperson of Education Standing Committee Sindh; Mr. Qazi Pervez Shahid, Secretary Education and Literacy Department Govt. of Sindh, Mr. Iftikhar Shallwani Commissioner Karachi, CLF ambassadors and many more.
The two day programme for CLF Karachi 2019 is a packed one and the full programme is available online. (Thanks bizToday)