The President of Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi Mohammad Ahmed Shah said that, the book reveals the main impact of human life and if someone discuss his whole life through his book so the readers take keen interest to read it. He shares his views while addressing the book launching ceremony of “Introspection” written by Brigadier A.S Nasir. The event was held on 9th October 2018 at Manzar Akbar Hall, Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi.
He further said that these books represent the life and struggle of our soldier. The event was presided by General Moinuddin Haider in which he said that, A. S. Nasir is an honest man, he further discussed his own life history in a funny way which was highly enjoyed by the audience.
Laman A. Syed said that, he was a kind friend to me. Everyday returning from walk, I wait for his call. Brigadier Mukhtar Ahmed also shared his views, he said that his book his filled with different scenario of journey, experiences and adventures. He has keen interest in playing Polo. Brigadier Ghulam Mohammad also commented on his personality, he said that he is extremely a fine person, he was a disciplined officer during his working hours. On this occasion Brigadier A. S. Nasir represented his book to each and every member and said that this book is briefly describing the life of a soldier. I have three heroes in my life one of them is my father, second is Captain Imran Khan and third one is the famous actor Dilip Kumar he added. The houseful event was observed by famous journalist and governing bodies.
At the end of the event, President of Arts Council Karachi Mohammad Ahmed Shah presented the bouquet to General Moinuddin Haider and Brigadier A. S. Nasir. The event was hosted by Nusrat Haris.