Celebrations, Events, Festival, Festivals, Karachi

Arts Council to celebrate Pakistan’s 71st birth anniversary

The 2-days “Azadi Festival 2018” at Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, continue on 14th August also to spread the colors of independence and joy where thousands gather at Arts Council to celebrate Pakistan’s 71th birth anniversary. Addressing the session, President of Arts Council Karachi Mohammad Ahmed Shah said that this country was acquired after great sacrifices and there are many dreams and promises that we all must meet.  “This country will grow further, and we hope that both our rulers and the people will walk together with each other and cooperate to make this country great,” he said.

“If we breath in an independent country today, it’s because of the ultimate sacrifices our ancestors gave,” he added. Ahmed Shah further said that 14th august is not only remembered for the freedom but we all should also take this as a day of great promise, sacrifices, pledge and dedication. Talking about the general elections, Ahmed Shah said that Pakistani nation now anticipate for the change (Tabdeeli) which had been promised and so they have voted for. “Whole nation especially, the youth look forward for the better outcome and they have high hopes for an eminent “Tabdeeli.” We pray that the approaching times will be the best of times for our country and we will see prosperous and peaceful Pakistan,” said Ahmed Shah. 

In this marvelous event, prominent personalities like Brigadier Arshad, classical singer Ghulam Abbas, members of Arts council governing body and other social, political and literary personalities were present.

On the last evening of the festival, “Marval Mukh”, a renowned band from coke studio spread the colors with their enthusiastic musical performance where they sung the folk and nation songs. At the end of the session, senior classical singer Ustad Ghulam Abbas presented the famous nation song of Mehdi Hasan, “Ye Watan Tmhara Hai” where the magic of his voice arouses the audience. 

During the event, young talent of Arts council music academy also performed on various nation and folk songs where the folk dance was also presented by Arts Council academy students. The event was cheered by thousands where it remains to spread the colors of independence till the late night.



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