Conferences, Events, Karachi, Theatre

Tehreek-e-Comedy presented wonderful performance in ”Comic Conference”

President of Arts Council Pakistan Karachi Muhammad Ahmed Shah said that stand up comedy is being flourished in our country and by seeing the works of these talented young artists, I consider announcing a comedy festival which will be held soon. He shared his thoughts in comic conference which was hosted by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Comedy (PTC) with the collaborations of arts council today on 6th May, 2018. He further admired the efforts of Sohail Javaid, a renowned director of Pakistan, for his works in comedy and appreciated the all the team members of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Comedy who came from Lahore for their wonderful performance on ex-temporary comedy which was delivered on the occasion and said that soon you all will be gather for a comedy festival. 

Sohail Javaid also appreciated the team of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Comedy and announced he will soon direct his first ever theatre casting all these stars.

Showing their gratitude, team members of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Comedy humbly said that they are grateful to the President Arts Council Karachi Mohammad Ahmed Shah and the management of the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi who gave this privilege to perform here on a grand stage. 

The conference was comprised of different segments where the artists entertained the audience with Improvised comedy skills as well as constant interaction with the audience. They performed posture to posture acts, comedy talk show, parody quiz show and various impromptu sessions which were highly appreciated by the audience.

Pakistan Tehreek e Comedy has been performing in Lahore and various cities for the last two years and it was first experience for them to put a show on the stages of arts council of Pakistan Karachi.

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