Opening of Awami Theater Festival was held today at Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, Open Air Theater. The 13 days Awami Theater Festival kicks off yesterday and will continue till April 28. The Council’s president Ahmed Shah welcomed all the participant and opened the festival for public. He said ” This festival is a tribute to Treasurer Arts Council Shenaz Siddiqui (late) who we lost a couple of days back, If it had been any other festival I would have cancelled it, but Shenaz himself was a theater lover, he has done a lot of work in the theater industry never looking for any monetary profit from it. This Festival is also a tribute to Moin Akhtar, the legend who put Pakistani theater on the map”. The awami theater festival is comprised of 13 plays and all of them are being performed in different languages i.e Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Siraiki and Phusto. The 1st play of the Awami theater Festival was urdu comedy faimly stage drama “M
unda Bigrree Jaye” writen and directed by well-known artist Rouf Lala. Lala also performed his own written play with Comedy king Shakeel Siddiqui, Amir Rainbow, Naeema Girj, Taboo, Shahida Murtaza and Shahbaz Sikandar. President Arts Council Muhammad Ahmed Shah also appreciate to Festival’s Coordinator Adam Rathore.