Anniversaries, Condolence

candle light vigil for martyrs of Sewan Shareef blast

A candle light vigil for martyrs of Sewan Shareef blast took place on 18 Feb. 2017 in Arts council. The event was attend by Senator Saeed Ghani, Ghazi Salauddin, Waqar Mehdi, Mehtab Rashdi, Haseena Moin and others. They all condemned the heinous incident and offered their solidarity and deepest condolences to the families of the victims. They said how the attack was unable to tarnish the spirit of worship and how the proceedings continued even after such a grave monstrosity. Mayor of Karachi Wasim Akram was also present at the event. He said that federal government and provincial governments should come together to put an end to the wave of terrorism that has taken over the nation.


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